Saturday, July 2, 2016


“Intrinsic motivations are derived from your deepest inner desires… They are the basis of your true north.” Bill George
We found that our intrinsic motivations actually drive our extrinsic motivations. It is an external display of an internal goal or commitment. Katie said that one of her intrinsic motivations was to “become the best me.” This naturally drives her extrinsic motivation of having a fit body. Erin is internally motivated to be a good mother and have a safe and happy home for her kids. Her external motivator is praise. Maybe this is a way for her to get the validation that her internal goals are being met, and her efforts are paying off. 
As a group our main extrinsic motivations were having fit bodies, getting praise, living comfortably, and being known as being kind. We can see how getting fit can become dominant. 
We have many more intrinsic motivations. Some are: gaining traits they adore in a role model (usually a parent), becoming spiritually strong, making a difference in the peoples lives they touch every day (teacher, mother, spouse), passion for learning, and seeing the beauty in the views around them, and handling difficulties with grace. It was hard to number these motivations, but one gal said for her, “Religion comes first, because that is why I have joy.”

Our capabilities really set us apart. We are all different instruments in the symphony of our office. One of Kim’s greatest capabilities (and one of her intrinsic motivators) is being kind. Hard work was agreed on by some gals. Some are great organizers, some capable of putting others first, and there are some good listeners among us. Some don’t even realize their greatest capabilities and needed help to find theirs. Several of the girls are cosmetologists and have skills of listening and making conversation. We were similar in some ways and very different in others. 
The sweet spot was hard to identify for many of us. I like to see my kids smile and learn new things, so I can use my motivations of the love of learning and wanting to be a good mother, and capabilities to be patient as a way to see the rewards of smiles and instilling the love of learning. 

Kevin Sharer, MCI CEO hopeful said, “We are the mosaic of all of our experiences,” and isn’t that so true. All of our experiences, intentional or not, are put into the framework of our lives and will some day be a glorious display. 

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