Saturday, July 2, 2016


 This book, and the exercises attached, allowed us to think a little deeper into who we are. We go about our lives, not thinking too much about the “why” behind the decisions we make. We unconsciously make decisions that in retrospect have huge impact on the person we are today, and who we will be. It gave us the opportunity to stop and write down what exactly motivates us and why. It allowed us to re-prioritize what is most important in our lives and maybe adjust those a little. To take the time to really see the impact others have had on our lives and the impact we are having on others. This opened our eyes to the idea that whether we like it or not, we are influencing others, just as others have influenced us. We loved the perspective it gave us of the “we”. When we changed our perspective in this way, it makes the tasks that we know are important but are maybe a little more difficult or mundane to carry out, a little easier to do. When we can grasp the impact on a larger scale, our desire to help and serve becomes that much stronger. 
Thank you for the opportunity to sit down and actively reflect on ourselves and the impact we have on not only ourselves but our families, and those we interact with. Leadership is such an important skill and we now know that it is not a born quality, but is a combination of skills and knowledge that allow us all to be leaders. Discovering our True North gave us a sense of responsibility to develop our potential as not only leaders, but authentic leaders. Women who lead by example, with a true moral compass, and an opaque desire to do what is best for the group, for the “we”, and not for the “I’.

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