Saturday, July 2, 2016


Often these days we are surrounded with perfection; everyone we see on social media posts their picture perfect lives. As wives and mothers it's hard to compare ourselves and our lives, to these "perfect" lives. Maybe we are just the abnormal. But we don't have Pinterest perfect meals + homes, airbrushed makeup and photographs taken every moment of the day-as though we have a paparazzi following us through out perfect days. 
Our days are filled of mistakes, messes, fights, and often times leaves us feeling like failures. 

This is where our quote comes in: 

"Failure is not the opposite of success. It's a stepping stone to success."

Failure is NOT the opposite of success, it's a STEPPING STONE to success. We fail to learn, we fail to succeed.  If we each went through our lives with out any trials, not facing anything that pushed us past our limits- making us fail. How would we grow. We each must follow our inner voice, even if it pushes is towards the hard road. Even though we fail and may feel like it's not getting us anywhere. It is. We are progressing and learning. Slowly stepping towards success.

We have loved reading, studying and learning this last month. Thanks Elevate for the fun, unifying activity. 

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